Trending News
Machine Learning
NIT Warangal Offers 5-day Online Course on Machine Learning to Students at Rs 500

NIT Warangal is inviting applications for a 5-day national level short online course called “Machine Learning, Deep Learning and IoT driven Smart Applications” from students, researchers, faculty and working professionals.

HRRL Recruitment 2022: Online Applications to Begin for 46 New Vacancies, Salary up to Rs 2,40,000

HRRL Recruitment 2022 will soon begin for 46 new vacancies. HPCL Rajasthan Refinery (HRRL) is a Joint Venture between Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and the Government of Rajasthan (GOR). Engineers, human resource personals and even law officers can apply for the vacancies. Selected candidates will be eligible for a salary of up to Rs 2,40,000 based on the grade for which they are selected.

Tamil Nadu MBBS, BDS admission counselling registration begins

Admission counselling for MBBS and BDS programmes has been commenced by the Tamil Nadu Selection Committee Directorate of Medical Education.

CSL Recruitment 2021: Applications Invited for 18 New Project Assistant Vacancies, Salary Rs 24,400

CSL recruitment 2021 is underway for 18 new project assistant vacancies for which candidates with a diploma can apply CSL recruitment 2021 is now being conducted for 18 new project assistant vacancies wherein selected candidates will be appointed on fixed term contract basis. Selected candidates will be engaged for a maximum period of three years subject to project requirements and individual performance. Selected candidates will be paid a starting salary of Rs 24,400 in the first year of contract, and Rs 25,100 and Rs 25,900, in the second and third year of contract, respectively.


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